Teaching Philosophy I firmly believe education to be a life-long process, not some goal attained in the form of a two- or four-year degree. Certainly individual educators must work within the confines of the current educational system, and we must always be cognizant of the need to practically apply our particular disciplines, but if we fail to emphasize the fundamental, life-long nature of education, we do our students a substantial disservice. Given this fundamental basis, my teaching philosophy can be divided into four concepts: Inspiration of Students, Respect for Students, Active Learning, and an Integrated Approach. Each semester I remind myself that in the vast majority of cases I will have but one opportunity to influence a student. The methods I employ in my presentation of course material, be it an economics or a political science course, will go a long way toward determining whether or not my students find these particular disciplines worthy of their time. I take my mission very seriously, but I also understand the limitations of the one-semester course. While the presentation of factual material is indeed an important aspect of any course, the primary mission must be to develop the student's critical thinking tools necessary to process factual information over a lifetime of learning. Hence the role of the instructor is twofold: one, nurture those critical thinking skills, and two, inspire students to pursue knowledge beyond the classroom -- both in a physical and a temporal sense. It is essential that my instruction techniques convey just how passionate I am abut my disciplines of study, for if I cannot demonstrate the importance of these areas of study in my life, I certainly cannot expect students to find value in the subject matter beyond the earning of a grade. I have always found it ironic that many educational professionals do not hold a fundamental respect for their students. Respect is certainly a reciprocal notion, and if the instructor does not respect the student, how can students respect the instructor and more importantly the particular discipline which he or she embodies? I must always remember that I hold more knowledge than my students only because of the benefit of time and exposure. It is my duty to share my knowledge in a respectful and understanding manner. Also, it is important to realize that every student takes a course for a slightly different reason. I must accept the fact that some students will never become passionate about the material. This fact should not inhibit my teaching style, but it should force me to recognize the fact that a good student and a fine person may simply be inspired by areas of study other than my own. I have found it to be true in my own experience that active learning is far superior to passive. I learn more while preparing to teach a new course than I ever did during graduate school. I try to incorporate this experience into my courses and other dealings with students. All of my courses depend heavily on class discussion, be it in the traditional sense or via an online discussion forum. I make it very clear from the outset of the course that I expect students to be active and valuable assets to the course. By providing a supportive and non-threatening discussion environment, it is my hope to entice all members of the class to articulate their views on the subject matter. I feel very strongly that the ability to express one's self verbally and via electronic media is a critical job skill. In addition to actively encouraging standard class discussion, I also utilize student issue panels. Here several students are responsible for facilitating a class discussion on a particular issue. I find this technique not only directs reluctant students into the discussion, but it also allows them to prepare on a given issue and hopefully gain more confidence before addressing the class. Another important component in active learning relates to learning outside the course environment. Quite possibly the most rewarding experience I have had over my teaching career was my involvement with the Model United Nations Club at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. After a lengthy absence from the campus a few motivated students and myself revived the Club in the fall of 1992. Since that time the Club has grown substantially in membership and scope. What was once a Club that only attended regional conferences in the Wisconsin-Minnesota area is now traveling to national conferences as far away as San Francisco and New York. In the spring of 1999 the Club actually hosted the 23rd Annual Arrowhead Model United Nations Conference, and I was invited back by the students to serve as the Secretary-General for the conference -- the greatest honor as a teacher I have ever received. Perhaps my belief in the integrated approach to learning relates to my own academic background. Having earned an undergraduate degree in political science, followed by a masters in economics, and concluding as a PhD candidate in political science, I have had an opportunity to study the interconnected nature of these two disciplines. I have taught numerous courses in both, and have even had the opportunity to teach one interdisciplinary course entitled International Political Economy. This course allowed me to indulge my desire to break down the traditional separation of the disciplines and examine the interplay of political and economic concepts at both the domestic and international levels. Having a comprehensive knowledge of the inseparable relationship between economic and political issues has given me a greater understanding for the common threads which run through all the social sciences. To the best of my ability and without unduly clouding the presentation of course material, I always attempt to demonstrate the interconnected nature of the social sciences.